
My grandmother Margarete Aronhold, was born on 2nd june 1887 as Margarete Stransky at Prague, CZ and married my grandfather in Dresden, Germany. Her mother was Lotti Stransky.

Later they moved to Berlin and lived first at Hohenzollernkorso 11 in Berlin-Tempelhof.

Her daughter Doris Ingeborg - my mother - was born on 12th march 1916 in Berlin-Tempelhof.

Later they moved to Kastanienallee 25 in Berlin-Westend. I don't exactly know when, but later they moved to Knesebeckstr. 31 at Berlin-Charlottenburg, near by the wonderful Savigny-Platz.

Margarete Aronhold had a lot of relatives living in Prague. They travelled and visited each other many times, as we could see on pictures. Unfortunately we don't know the names and dates of birth for them. Only how they where called: Uncle Robbie and Aunt Else. We think that they have been the brother and the sister of my grandmother, so they both may have been Stranskys.

My grandmother died for cancer on 12th september 1939 in Berlin. She died alone. My mother had to leave her in 1937 when she emigrated to Colombia and her husband left her 1938 hoping he could survive in Prague.

She is buried on the cemetery Berlin-Weissensee.

Sue Arns


Grave of Lotti StranskyGrave of Lotti & Salomon Stransky ©Lucia Kralikova

The grave of Margarete's mother Lotti Stransky, born Klingenberger and Salomon Stransky - at the new jewish cemetery in Prague.

Doris and her mother at the hospital

Doris Aronhold and her sick mother Margarete 1937 at the hospital. This was the last visit of my mother before she emigrated to Colombia.

Document of Birth of Doris Ingeborg Aronhold The document of birth for my mother Doris Aronhold  
Gravestone at Berlin-Weissensee The Gravestone for my Grandmother at the Cemetery Berlin-Weissensee  

If you know anything about relatives to Richard, Margarete or Doris Aronhold, please give us a call at or